There's an 8 day old baby boy in Athens, Georgia, who is having a huge impact on a lot of people these days. Hogan is his name and he was born on April 2 despite all of the earthly odds being against him. God, through Hogan, has taught me quite a few things this week.
First of all, I've learned that while God might not answer my prayers in the "best" way according to my way of thinking, He answers them in a way to give Himself the greater glory. The "best" way would've been for Hogan to be born perfectly healthy...the ultrasound would've been wrong...miraculous healing would've occurred. Wow...if that had happened last Friday, God would have received much glory! But God is choosing to answer prayers incrementally. Hogan was born alive...he lived long enough for his mom to hold him after her c-section...his older brother and sister have met him...his grandmothers have held him...he is spending night after night with his dad in the NICU...he surpassed the "5-7 day" lifespan prediction...and the list goes on. As a result, God is receiving the greater glory because untold numbers of people are reading and watching this love story unfold through Facebook and Hogan's blog. Hogan's family is on display for many to see and they are being faithful to the One who has called them.
Secondly, Hogan has reminded me to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." Every thought, every moment, every everything that I have is because of Christ. My attitude and my life should be marked with thankfulness, obedience and love.
I am loving on my children more today than two weeks ago. That doesn't mean that I have stopped disciplining them, but I am reminded daily of how blessed we are to have four healthy children entrusted to us for a time. God has called me to the highest of callings...wife & mother. When I am called home, I pray that God will be able to say "well done" when we look at the men and women who were my baby boys and girls.
I am reminded that God uses the weak things of this world to shame the wise. My sweet husband is so pragmatic about medical issues. I am much more hopeful. He has continually tried to breathe some realism into my idealism. (Not liking that, by the way.) I would assume that Hogan's victories this week are amazing the physicians and nurses who, like Trey, might have become numb to the possibility of miracles. It's not their's easier to deal with loss when the situation is hopeless. However, God says in Isaiah, "You were tired out by the length of your road, Yet you did not say, 'It is hopeless.' You found renewed strength, Therefore you did not faint." May God renew the strength of all of our medical professionals while He renews their belief in miracles.
Lastly, Hogan's name means "warrior". He is fighting each battle with the ferocity of a great military hero. Zephaniah 3:17 in the NAS version says, "The LORD your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy." Hogan is a warrior from the line of Christ...the warrior who wins the ultimate victory.
I pray that I will be open to the things that God is teaching me through Hogan, through my children, through all of the people with whom I come in contact. Keep 'em coming!