Im Torn

Thursday, September 14, 2017

I Stood.

I had to stand to cast a vote.

I've never done that before. I've heard about situations where the vote was tallied by standing but I've never been in the room when it happened.

Now I have. And I stood. In opposition.

The issue is not really what the vote was about and where it took place. The issue is that I stood. I stood with one other person in opposition. Not because I am a malcontent, but because I refuse to let the process be a sham. There were others opposed...but they stayed away or stayed seated. That's their prerogative. But my vote is mine. 

We have four children who we are parenting into a world where it is easier to just go with the flow of popular opinion. People vote for a particular political party's candidate because they always vote that party or vote "yes" for every amendment on the ballot because it takes too much effort to research them.  Others avoid the vote because it doesn't matter...their vote won't change things.

Nope. I will vote every time. Even when it doesn't matter. I will research and pray and I will refuse to prostitute my voice. 

I will vote no...even when the moderator looks me in the eye and dares me to stand....because I have to go home and look my daughters in the eyes as well. And that is more important.

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